LIHUE EXPEDITIONS dedicated since 1988 to wildlife, nature, culture and special interest journeys along
Argentina, committed, respecful of nature and people, enriching through live experiences.
Firsthand experiences, on the road, always ahead with news to come. You will find us enthusiastic,
knowledgeable, creative.
Small team, big trips 

Lead by Marie-Laure Gall.  More than 28 years of travel experience, very well-travelled along Argentina, commited with argentinean destination, its people & nature.
Each trip, is special experience thanks to the enthusiasm and knowledge of the travel designers (Abril, Barbara, Franco) & logistic backstage (Pato, Tamara). Trip runs smoothly. 
Ignacio Aquerreta and his accounting team, also nature lovers, keep an eye on all details to be a healthy company.
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